Sunday, January 20, 2013

Musings on a Sunday Evening

  • I spent the weekend visiting my boyfriend.  It is beyond wonderful to see him every week, even if we're still  few hours apart and "every week" sometimes means "for an hour for dinner on a random week night."  This weekend we saw each other Friday, Saturday and Sunday so no complaints.  I also get to see him on Tuesday so I'm a happy girl this week!  

  • It is freaking cold outside in Wisconsin right now.  I'm handling the cold much better than I expected but my skin is like a lizard.  Disgustingly gross and dry.  If I'm handling the cold, my skin definitely isn't.  I have super sensitive skin so I have to be careful with some products but I'm open to suggestions.  Have you found anything that truly combats these nasty Northern winters?

  • The boyfriend gave me the official Ugg slippers for Christmas.  I can say that I would never have spent the money on them myself but they are amazing and I don't think I could go without anymore.  My feet are never cold anymore.  It was the perfect Christmas present - something I did actually need, but a nicer version than I would pay for on my own so it's a little bit of luxury too.  He did good.  What has proven to be your favorite present from the holidays?
 photo slipper_zps8a0b48b3.jpg

  • I am joining the YMCA tomorrow on a quest to get in better shape, lose some of the weight I gained while living in Kentucky, and simply get more healthy.  Oh and I have it in my head that I want to do a short duathlon this summer.  I must be crazy.  Any suggestions on how to stay motivated?
Is that the most random post you've ever read?  Probably.  Just some thoughts for you this evening!



  1. My favorite Christmas present this year is the Crock Pot my parents gave us. We have made a dinner in it at least once a week since. Love how easier it makes dinner plans!! :)

  2. COCONUT OIL. I use cooking grade stuff as a cure-all for winter dryness. It sounds gross, but a little goes a long way. I use it instead of lotion on my legs after shaving, I can put it on my FACE without breaking out, and I put just the smallest amount on the ends of my hair to keep the ends from splitting/ brush it through to keep everything shiny. It's kept me from being scaly this winter, AND *added bonus* you can give small amounts to your feline friends and it'll help with hairballs and keeping their coats shiny (Bubba usually licks my legs after I get out of the shower)

    1. Ooo good call. I'm always hesitant to use any kind of oil because I burn in the sun - and not so much sun - really easily and I've always assumed for some crazy reason that oil would make it worse. I bet if use it after the shower at night though I'd be fine.

  3. uhhhhhh i ran a 5K this past summer and thought about killing myself the entire time.

    1. I jogged a very slow mile tonight and thought about killing myself. But I did it. And that's what matters.

  4. I'm doing the couch to 5K in hopes of running not only one but two 5K's in March. This might be a little too ambitious for me... but whatever I'm going to attempt it.

    1. I wish I were still in Lex! We could have done it together.

  5. Rikki, you should do the Duathlon in Minneapolis in August. I will do it with you! I don't have specific training plans for that type of event, but I can find some for us if you're interested. Good goal!!


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